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ConceptsReferencesPeriodic Table

The Periodic Table

External Resources

Linda Bloomfield’s Chemistry for potters includes a Periodic Table for Potters (below)

A Simplified Ceramic Chemistry Lesson by Linda Bloomfield

Linda Bloomfield's Periodic Table Color Coding

The Potter’s Dictionary of Materials and Techniques By Frank Hamer, Janet Hamer

Hamer's Potter's Periodic Table

The Potter’s dictionary of materials and techniques by Frank Hamer, 4th Edition (online)

Page 244: Periodic Table

CPK coloring

In chemistry, the CPK coloring is a popular color convention for distinguishing atoms of different chemical elements in molecular models. The scheme is named after the CPK molecular models designed by chemists Robert Corey and Linus Pauling, and improved by Walter Koltun. In 1952, Corey and Pauling published a description of space-filling models of proteins and other biomolecules that they had been building at Caltech. Their models represented atoms by faceted hardwood balls, painted in differe…

CPK coloring of the periodic table

Image Link

What Is the Importance of Color on the Periodic Table?

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